гельминтоз из группы нематодозов, вызываемый самками круглых червей dracunculus medinensis.
Men receive the diagnosis dracunculiasis
0 (less than 0.1%)Died from this diagnosis.
Women receive the diagnosis dracunculiasis
0 (less than 0.1%)Died from this diagnosis.
В ЖКТ окончательного хозяина зрелые личинки (микрофилярии) проникают через кишечную стенку и мигрируют по мягким тканям в межмышечное пространство. Здесь через 3-4 месяцев паразиты достигают половой зрелости. После оплодотворения самцы возбудителя дракункулеза погибают (обызвествляются в мягких тканях или рассасываются), а самка продолжает расти и мигрирует в подкожную клетчатку. Достигнув своим головным концом кожного покрова, самка выделяет специальный секрет, под действием которого на коже человека образуется псевдофурункул, а затем происходит разрыв кожи. Через дефект кожных покровов выпячивается матка гельминта; при соприкосновении с водой она разрывается, и наружу выходит тканевой экссудат, содержащий мелкие личинки паразита. Одна самка выделяет в водную среду до 3 млн. личинок, после чего погибает.
(Eruption, Dermatitis, Skin irritation, Hives, Itching, Inflammation, Redness, Bumps, Blotches, Scaly patch)
A rash is an area of irritated or swollen skin. It may appear as red bumps, patches, or blisters and can be itchy, dry, or painful. It can develop suddenly or over time and can be caused by a variety of factors, including allergies, infections, and irritants. Common rashes include eczema, hives, and...
(Vertigo, Lightheadedness, Giddiness, Faintness, Unsteadiness, Dazed, Spinning, Disorientation, Unbalanced, Foggy, Loss of balance, Uncoordinated, Confusion)
Dizziness is a sensation of feeling off-balance and lightheaded. It can range from mild to severe and can be accompanied by a feeling of spinning or swaying. It can develop suddenly or gradually, and can be triggered by physical activity, changes in position, or lack of food or fluids. Symptoms can ...
(Upset stomach, Queasiness, Queasy feeling, Stomach discomfort, Gastric unease, Stomach churning, Stomach upset, Stomachache, Feeling sick, Feeling queasy, Stomach queasiness, Feeling nauseous, Feeling nauseated, Nauseousness)
Nausea is an unpleasant feeling in the upper abdomen that may be accompanied by an urge to vomit. It can range from mild to severe and can be accompanied by symptoms such as sweating, dizziness, and increased salivation. Nausea can be caused by a variety of stimuli, including motion sickness, certai...
(Fluid retention, Swelling, Puffiness, Fluid accumulation, Bloating, Hydrops, Dropsy, Congestion, Inflammation)
Tissue edema is an accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space of the body. It can occur in any part of the body, but is most commonly seen in the extremities, face, and abdomen. It is characterized by swelling, tenderness, and a feeling of tightness in the affected area. It may develop graduall...
Blisters are small pockets of fluid that form on the skin. They can range in size from tiny dots to large patches. They are often itchy and can be filled with clear fluid, pus, or blood. Blisters can be caused by friction, burns, infections, and other skin conditions. They can develop suddenly or gr...
(Open sore, Lesion, Sore, Cut, Wound, Gash, Abrasion, Laceration, Scratch, Bruise)
Ulcer external is a type of skin lesion that is caused by a break in the skin, leading to an open sore. It usually appears as a red, raised area that is often painful and may have a yellowish or white pus-filled center. The area around the ulcer may be swollen and warm to the touch. Ulcer external c...
(Irritation, Scratching, Tickling, Crawling, Burning, Prickling, Tingling, Stabbing, Throbbing)
Itching is a common symptom that can range from mild to severe. It typically presents as an uncomfortable sensation that compels the affected person to scratch the affected area. Itching can develop gradually or suddenly and can be localized or generalized. It can be caused by a variety of condition...
(Vomiting blood, Gastrointestinal bleeding, Vomiting of blood, Vomiting up blood, Bloody vomit, Upper gi bleeding, Upper gastrointestinal bleeding, Vomiting of red material, Vomiting bright red blood, Vomiting dark red blood)
Hematemesis is the vomiting of blood or the presence of blood in the vomit. It can range from a small amount of bright red blood to large amounts of dark, partially digested blood. It is usually accompanied by nausea, abdominal pain, and other gastrointestinal symptoms. It can be caused by a variety...
(Rash, Erythema, Flushing, Inflammation, Blotchiness, Itching, Burning, Irritation, Discoloration, Tenderness)
Skin redness is a common symptom of many medical conditions. It can range from a mild pink flush on the cheeks to a deep red rash across the body. It is often accompanied by itching, burning, and swelling. It can develop quickly or over time, and can be triggered by a variety of factors such as alle...