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Men receive the diagnosis mild mental retardation
1 434 (0.2 %)Died from this diagnosis.
Women receive the diagnosis mild mental retardation
8 060 (1.7 %)Died from this diagnosis.
(Inattentive, Fickle, Distracted, Unfocused, Erratic, Absent-minded, Scatterbrained, Dispersed, Diffuse, Roving)
Scattered attention is a symptom characterized by difficulty focusing and maintaining attention. It may manifest as difficulty following conversations, difficulty focusing on tasks, or restlessness. It may develop gradually over time due to stress, fatigue, or other external factors. It can also be ...
Inappropriate behavior is a symptom that can manifest in multiple ways. It can be characterized by sudden, disruptive, or inappropriate actions, words, or gestures. It can also be seen as an inability to control emotions or impulses. It can begin with a feeling of agitation, followed by an outburst ...
Nervousness is a feeling of fear, worry or unease. It typically develops when a person is faced with a stressful situation or is in an unfamiliar environment. Manifestations of nervousness can include an increased heart rate, sweaty palms, trembling, dizziness, and difficulty concentrating. It can a...
(Agitation, Annoyance, Frustration, Hostility, Impatience, Impetuosity, Indignation, Irascibility, Irritation, Resentment, Testiness, Upset)
Irritability and anger are common symptoms of many psychological and physical health issues. It is characterized by frequent outbursts of anger and frustration, often in response to minor issues. It can be accompanied by feelings of restlessness, agitation, and difficulty controlling emotions. It of...
(Sluggishness, Listlessness, Torpor, Languor, Fatigue, Weariness, Exhaustion, Lassitude, Drowsiness, Stupor)
Lethargy is a state of extreme tiredness or lack of energy. It can manifest as a lack of motivation, difficulty concentrating, and a general feeling of being physically and mentally drained. In extreme cases, it can lead to feelings of depression and irritability. Lethargy typically develops slowly ...