(H80.9) Otosclerosis, unspecified

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398 586 in individuals diagnosis otosclerosis, unspecified confirmed

Diagnosis otosclerosis, unspecified is diagnosed Women are 34.78% more likely than Men

129 988

Men receive the diagnosis otosclerosis, unspecified

0 (less than 0.1%)

Died from this diagnosis.

268 598

Women receive the diagnosis otosclerosis, unspecified

0 (less than 0.1%)

Died from this diagnosis.

Risk Group for the Disease otosclerosis, unspecified - Men aged 35-39 and Women aged 45-49

In Men diagnosis is most often set at age 5-79
Less common in men the disease occurs at Age 0-5, 80-95+Less common in women the disease occurs at Age 0-5, 95+
In Women diagnosis is most often set at age 5-94

Disease Features otosclerosis, unspecified

Moderate individual risk, low public risk

Otosclerosis, unspecified - what does this mean

Otosclerosis is an abnormal growth of bone in the middle ear that affects the ossicles and the otic capsule. it can lead to hearing loss due to the inability of the ossicles to transmit sound waves to the inner ear. it is an inherited disorder, but can be exacerbated by environmental factors such as infection, trauma, and certain medications. it is usually treated with a hearing aid, but surgery may be necessary in some cases.

What happens during the disease - otosclerosis, unspecified

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Clinical Pattern

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How does a doctor diagnose

  • Complete physical examination
  • Audiometric testing
  • Tympanometry
  • Cranial imaging (CT or MRI)
  • Fluid pressure testing
  • Tinnitus assessment
  • Assessment of hearing loss severity
  • Otoscopic examination
  • Stapedial reflex testing

Treatment and Medical Assistance

Main goal of the treatment: To reduce the symptoms of otosclerosis, unspecified.
  • Medication therapy, such as corticosteroids or anticoagulants
  • Surgery to remove the stapes bone
  • Stapedectomy, a procedure to replace the stapes bone
  • Tympanoplasty, a procedure to repair the eardrum
  • Myringotomy, a procedure to create a hole in the eardrum
  • Auditory training and speech therapy
  • Hearing aids
  • Vestibular rehabilitation
8 Days of Hospitalization Required
Average Time for Outpatient Care Not Established

Otosclerosis, unspecified - Prevention

Otosclerosis, unspecified can be prevented through lifestyle changes, such as avoiding smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, and reducing stress. additionally, regular hearing screenings can help to detect and treat the condition early. vaccinations against certain infections, such as measles, mumps, and rubella, can also help to reduce the risk of developing otosclerosis.

Main symptoms of the disease otosclerosis, unspecified

Noise in ears

(Ringing in ears, Buzzing in ears, Humming in ears, Hissing in ears, Roaring in ears, Whistling in ears, Tinnitus, Ears ringing, Ears buzzing)

Noise in the ears, also known as tinnitus, is a symptom in which a person hears a sound in their ears without an external source. It can range from a low, buzzing sound to a loud, high-pitched ringing. It can occur suddenly or gradually, and can be constant or intermittent. Tinnitus can be caused by...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 40 diseases

Ear congestion

(Blocked ears, Clogged ears, Stuffy ears, Ear fullness, Ear obstruction, Impacted ear wax, Ear pressure, Ear congestion)

Ear congestion is a feeling of fullness or blockage in the ear. It is often accompanied by muffled hearing, pain, and a popping or crackling sound. It can be caused by a build-up of wax, fluid, or an infection. It can develop gradually or suddenly, and can last from a few days to several weeks. Ear ...

Age: any ageAccociated with 12 diseases

Impaired sound recognition

Impaired sound recognition is a symptom where an individual has difficulty understanding and interpreting spoken language. It can manifest in a variety of ways, such as difficulty following conversations, difficulty understanding rapid or complex speech, or difficulty recognizing familiar voices. Th...

Age: 7 to 99Accociated with 5 diseases


Vomiting is the forceful expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth. It can be accompanied by nausea, abdominal pain, and sweating. Vomiting can be caused by a variety of conditions, such as food poisoning, motion sickness, viral infections, and migraine headaches. Symptoms can range from mild ...

Age: any ageAccociated with 149 diseases


(Absent-mindedness, Amnesia, Fuzzy thinking, Lapses, Memory loss, Mind blanking, Scatterbrained, Senility, Short-term memory loss, Unfocused)

Forgetfulness is a common symptom of aging and can manifest in difficulty remembering recent events, names, words, and places. It can develop gradually over time, or suddenly, and can be caused by a variety of medical conditions. It can range from mild to severe, and can affect daily activities. It ...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 37 diseases

Scattered attention

(Inattentive, Fickle, Distracted, Unfocused, Erratic, Absent-minded, Scatterbrained, Dispersed, Diffuse, Roving)

Scattered attention is a symptom characterized by difficulty focusing and maintaining attention. It may manifest as difficulty following conversations, difficulty focusing on tasks, or restlessness. It may develop gradually over time due to stress, fatigue, or other external factors. It can also be ...

Age: any ageAccociated with 17 diseases


(Upset stomach, Queasiness, Queasy feeling, Stomach discomfort, Gastric unease, Stomach churning, Stomach upset, Stomachache, Feeling sick, Feeling queasy, Stomach queasiness, Feeling nauseous, Feeling nauseated, Nauseousness)

Nausea is an unpleasant feeling in the upper abdomen that may be accompanied by an urge to vomit. It can range from mild to severe and can be accompanied by symptoms such as sweating, dizziness, and increased salivation. Nausea can be caused by a variety of stimuli, including motion sickness, certai...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 217 diseases


(Listlessness, Indifference, Lethargy, Passivity, Inactivity, Torpor, Unconcern, Absence of emotion, Stoicism, Disinterest, Insouciance, Sluggishness)

Apathy is a lack of emotion or interest in activities. It may manifest as a lack of motivation, decreased energy, or a general disinterest in things that were previously enjoyable. It can be a gradual process, beginning with a lack of energy and enthusiasm, and progressing to a complete lack of moti...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 31 diseases


(Sleeplessness, Sleep deprivation, Awakeness, Restlessness, Insomnolence, Nocturnal wakefulness, Sleepless nights, Sleeplessness disorder, Sleep disorder, Sleep difficulty, Sleep problem, Sleep deprivation disorder, Sleep disturbance)

Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep. It can manifest in different ways, including difficulty initiating sleep, waking up multiple times throughout the night, waking up too early, and feeling unrefreshed after sleep. It can be caused by variou...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 75 diseases


(Cephalalgia, Hedache, Pounding head, Throbbing head, Ache, Pounding pain, Throbbing pain, Head pain, Migraine, Tension headache)

Headache is a common symptom that can range from mild to severe. It typically develops gradually and can be localized or generalized. Common types of headache include tension-type, migraine, cluster, and sinus headaches, each with their own unique characteristics and manifestations. Tension-type hea...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 244 diseases

Ear ache

(Earache, Ear pain, Otalgia, Auricular pain, Auricular discomfort, Auricular soreness, Otodynia, Earache discomfort, Earache soreness, Earache pain)

Ear ache is a common symptom of infection or inflammation in the ear. It can range from a dull, continuous pain to a sharp, sudden pain. It can be accompanied by swelling, redness, and tenderness in and around the ear, as well as a feeling of fullness and ringing in the ear. It can develop gradually...

Age: any ageAccociated with 18 diseases

Hearing loss

(Auditory impairment, Deafness, Hearing impairment, Hearing reduction, Partial deafness, Sensorineural hearing loss, Presbycusis)

Hearing loss is a decrease in the ability to hear sound. It can be temporary or permanent and can range from mild to severe. Symptoms may include ringing in the ears, difficulty understanding speech, and difficulty hearing high-pitched sounds. Hearing loss can develop gradually over time, or it can ...

Age: any ageAccociated with 37 diseases