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Men receive the diagnosis dilated cardiomyopathy
937 319 (18.7 %)Died from this diagnosis.
Women receive the diagnosis dilated cardiomyopathy
811 579 (32.8 %)Died from this diagnosis.
Под действием причинных факторов уменьшается количество функционально полноценно кардиомиоцитов, что сопровождается расширением камер сердца и снижением насосной функции миокарда. Дилатация сердца приводит к диастолической и систолической дисфункции желудочков и обусловливает развитие застойной сердечной недостаточности в малом, а затем и в большом круге кровообращения.
На начальных стадиях дилатационной кардиомиопатии компенсация достигается благодаря действию закона Франка–Старлинга, увеличению ЧСС и уменьшению периферического сопротивления. По мере истощения резервов сердца прогрессирует ригидность миокарда, нарастает систолическая дисфункция, уменьшается минутный и ударный объем, нарастает конечное диастолическое давление в левом желудочке, что приводит к еще большему его расширению.
В результате растяжения полостей желудочков и клапанных колец развивается относительная митральная и трикуспидальная недостаточность. Гипертрофия миоцитов и формирование заместительного фиброза приводят к компенсаторной гипертрофии миокарда. При уменьшении коронарной перфузии развивается субэндокардиальная ишемия.
Вследствие снижения сердечного выброса и уменьшения почечной перфузии активизируются симпатическая нервная и ренин-ангиотензиновая системы. Выброс катехоламинов сопровождается тахикардией, возникновением аритмий. Развивающиеся периферическая вазоконстрикция и вторичный гиперальдостеронизм приводят к задержке ионов натрия, увеличению ОЦК и развитию отеков.
У 60 % пациентов с дилатационной кардиомиопатией в полостях сердца формируются пристеночные тромбы, вызывающие в дальнейшем развитие тромбоэмболического синдрома.
(Vertigo, Lightheadedness, Giddiness, Faintness, Unsteadiness, Dazed, Spinning, Disorientation, Unbalanced, Foggy, Loss of balance, Uncoordinated, Confusion)
Dizziness is a sensation of feeling off-balance and lightheaded. It can range from mild to severe and can be accompanied by a feeling of spinning or swaying. It can develop suddenly or gradually, and can be triggered by physical activity, changes in position, or lack of food or fluids. Symptoms can ...
(Thoracic pain, Thorax pain, Rib cage pain, Rib pain, Breastbone pain, Sternum pain, Costal pain, Intercostal pain, Pectoral pain, Precordial pain)
Chest pain is a common symptom that can range from mild to severe. It may be described as pressure, squeezing, burning, or tightness in the chest. It can develop quickly or gradually, and can be accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, sweating, or shortness of breath. Types of chest pain inclu...
(Syncope, Swoon, Passing out, Losing consciousness, Blackout, Dizziness, Unconsciousness)
Fainting is a sudden, brief loss of consciousness and muscle tone, usually caused by a drop in blood pressure. It is often accompanied by a feeling of dizziness, lightheadedness, and confusion. Fainting usually occurs in response to a sudden emotional or physical stressor, such as standing for a lon...
(Swelling, Water retention, Bloating, Puffiness, Inflammation, Fluid retention, Hydrops, Dropsy, Oedema, Hydrothorax)
General edema is swelling caused by excess fluid trapped in the body's tissues. It can affect any part of the body, but is most noticeable in the feet, ankles, legs, hands, and face. It can develop suddenly or gradually. Symptoms range from mild to severe, and may include pain, itching, or a feeling...
(Shortness of breath, Labored breathing, Breathlessness, Air hunger, Difficulty breathing, Gasping, Panting, Wheezing, Tightness in chest, Suffocating feeling)
Dyspnea is a feeling of breathlessness or difficulty breathing. It can range from mild to severe and can be caused by a variety of factors, such as asthma, COPD, heart failure, or anemia. Symptoms of dyspnea may include shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness, and rapid breathing. Dyspnea can...
(Tiredness, Exhaustion, Lethargy, Lassitude, Weariness, Burn-out, Weakness, Malaise, Lack of energy, Lack of strength, Listlessness)
Fatigue is a common symptom that can range from mild to severe. It is usually characterized by a feeling of tiredness and exhaustion that can range from mild to severe. It can develop gradually over time or suddenly, and can be caused by a variety of factors, including physical or mental stress, sle...
(Unexplained weight gain, Unusual weight gain, Unwanted weight gain, Unexpected weight gain, Unusual increase in weight, Uncontrolled weight gain, Untimely weight gain, Uncontrolled increase in weight, Unintended weight gain, Unplanned weight gain)
Abnormal weight gain is an increase in body weight that is not due to an increase in muscle mass. It is often caused by an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, or a combination of both. It can lead to various health problems, including an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Symptoms ...