(M81.9) Osteoporosis, unspecified

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2 255 769 in individuals diagnosis osteoporosis, unspecified confirmed
37 900 deaths with diagnosis osteoporosis, unspecified
2% mortality rate associated with the disease osteoporosis, unspecified

Diagnosis osteoporosis, unspecified is diagnosed Women are 85.65% more likely than Men

161 827

Men receive the diagnosis osteoporosis, unspecified

4 858 (3.0 %)

Died from this diagnosis.

2 093 942

Women receive the diagnosis osteoporosis, unspecified

33 042 (1.6 %)

Died from this diagnosis.

Risk Group for the Disease osteoporosis, unspecified - Men aged 60-64 and Women aged 75-79

In Men diagnosis is most often set at age 5-95+
Less common in men the disease occurs at Age 0-5in in women, the disease manifests at any age
In Women diagnosis is most often set at age 0-95+

Disease Features osteoporosis, unspecified

Absence or low individual and public risk

Osteoporosis, unspecified - what does this mean

Osteoporosis is a disease in which the bones become brittle and weak due to a decrease in bone mass and density, resulting in an increased risk of fractures. it is caused by a variety of factors, including age, genetics, lifestyle, and hormonal changes. it is a progressive condition, and without treatment, it can worsen over time.

What happens during the disease - osteoporosis, unspecified

Единый механизм развития остеопороза отсутствует, поскольку динамика изменения строения и состава костной ткани определяется провоцирующим заболеванием (при вторичном остеопорозе) и наличием различных факторов риска (при первичном процессе). При этом выделяют ряд последовательных стадий, которые наблюдаются при всех видах патологии.


Формирование костной ткани нарушается во время роста либо в процессе обновления. Разрушение кости начинает преобладать над ее восстановлением. Плотность, масса кости снижаются. Уменьшается толщина кортикального слоя, количество трабекул. В результате при остеопорозе страдают прочностные характеристики кости, у детей возникают деформации, у взрослых – переломы.


Риск возникновения переломов увеличивается пропорционально снижению плотности костной ткани. При снижении плотности костей на 10% частота переломов возрастает в 2-3 раза. Остеопороз в первую очередь поражает кости с преобладанием губчатого вещества (позвонки, кости предплечья в области лучезапястного сустава), поэтому типичными осложнениями заболевания являются переломы тел позвонков, дистального эпифиза лучевой кости.

Clinical Pattern

More details coming soon

How does a doctor diagnose

  • Physical examination
  • Blood tests
  • Bone density test (DEXA scan)
  • Ultrasound
  • X-ray imaging
  • CT scan
  • MRI scan
Additional tests:
  • Bone biopsy
  • Bone turnover marker tests

Treatment and Medical Assistance

Main goal of the treatment: To reduce the risk of fractures and improve bone health.
  • Increase calcium intake
  • Increase Vitamin D intake
  • Regular physical activity
  • Weight-bearing exercises
  • Medications to slow bone loss and increase bone strength
  • Quit smoking
  • Reduce alcohol consumption
  • Increase dietary protein intake
9 Days of Hospitalization Required
Average Time for Outpatient Care Not Established

Osteoporosis, unspecified - Prevention

Osteoporosis prevention involves lifestyle changes such as getting enough calcium and vitamin d, exercising regularly, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. additionally, medications such as bisphosphonates, selective estrogen receptor modulators, and calcitonin may be prescribed to help reduce bone loss.

Main symptoms of the disease osteoporosis, unspecified

Decreased appetite

(Diminished hunger, Loss of appetite, Lack of appetite, Decreased hunger, Reduced appetite, Anorexia, Poor appetite, Decreased intake, Lack of interest in food)

Decreased appetite is a symptom that can manifest in a variety of ways. It can manifest as a lack of interest in food, difficulty eating, or a lack of hunger. This symptom can develop gradually over time or suddenly. It can be caused by a variety of medical conditions, medications, or psychological ...

Age: any ageAccociated with 119 diseases


(Back pain, Dorsalgia, Lumbago, Sciatica, Thoracic pain, Lumbar strain, Spinal pain, Sacroiliac pain, Muscle spasm, Osteoarthritis pain)

Backache is a common symptom of musculoskeletal pain, usually felt as an ache or stiffness in the lower back. It can develop gradually or suddenly, and can range from mild to severe. Common causes of backache include poor posture, muscular strain, injury, or overuse. Symptoms can include pain in the...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 21 diseases

Pain in the bones

(Aches, Agony, Distress, Misery, Soreness, Suffering, Torture, Torment, Agonizing, Tenderness, Throbbing, Sharpness, Stabbing, Pricking, Twinge, Throb, Pang)

Bone pain is a dull, deep, aching sensation that is felt in the bones or joints. It can range from mild to severe, and can be a constant or an intermittent ache. It can develop suddenly or gradually, and can be localized to one area or widespread throughout the body. It can manifest as a sharp, stab...

Age: any ageAccociated with 42 diseases

Abnormal weight loss

(Unintended weight loss, Unexplained weight loss, Rapid weight loss, Excessive weight loss, Drastic weight loss, Sudden weight loss, Substantial weight loss, Significant weight loss, Unwanted weight loss, Unexpected weight loss)

Abnormal weight loss is a symptom of an underlying medical condition. It is characterized by a significant decrease in body weight that is not related to changes in diet or exercise habits. It may be accompanied by fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, and other symptoms. It can develop gradually or ...

Age: any ageAccociated with 97 diseases

Lower back pain

(Lumbar pain, Backache, Lumbago, Lumbar ache, Back discomfort, Lower backache, Lower back discomfort, Lumbar discomfort, Lower back pain, Lumbar agony)

Lower back pain is characterized by aching or stiffness in the lower back, often radiating down the legs. It can develop suddenly or gradually, and can range in intensity from mild to severe. It can be caused by a number of factors, including injury, overuse, poor posture, obesity, or disease. Its m...

Age: 20 to 50Accociated with 61 diseases

Pain in the spine

(Ache in the spine, Spinal discomfort, Spinal soreness, Spinal tenderness, Spinal agony, Spinal ache, Spinal pain, Spinal distress, Spinal hurt, Spinal uneasiness)

Pain in the spine is a common symptom that can present in various ways. It may start as a dull ache in the lower back that gradually worsens over time. It can be localized to one area or radiate to other parts of the body. It can be a shooting, stabbing, or burning sensation. It can be aggravated by...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 27 diseases