Long labour, unspecified - what does this mean
Long labour, unspecified is a condition in which a woman's labour exceeds the normal duration of labour, usually defined as exceeding 18 to 24 hours. it can be caused by various factors, including fetal malposition, inadequate uterine contractions, or an abnormally large or small baby. it can lead to increased risk of infection, exhaustion, and in some cases, fetal distress.
What happens during the disease - long labour, unspecified
Long labour, unspecified is a condition in which labour is prolonged beyond the usual time frame. this can be caused by various factors including inadequate uterine activity, maternal exhaustion, malposition of the baby, or an overly large baby. in some cases, a medical intervention such as oxytocin or a caesarean section may be necessary to safely deliver the baby.
Long labour, unspecified - Prevention
Long labour, unspecified can be prevented by ensuring that pregnant women receive adequate antenatal care throughout their pregnancy, including regular check-ups, nutrition education and counseling, and timely interventions if any complications arise. additionally, women should be encouraged to engage in regular physical activity and maintain a healthy weight gain throughout pregnancy.