Birth injury to eye - what does this mean
Birth injury to the eye can occur when trauma to the eye occurs during labor and delivery, such as when the baby's head is squeezed too tightly against the mother's pelvic bone or when the baby is pulled too hard during delivery. this can result in a tear or detachment of the retina, or a traumatic cataract, which can lead to vision loss or other eye problems.
Treatment and Medical Assistance
Main Goal: To restore vision in the eye affected by birth injury
- Assessment of the extent of the injury
- Medication to reduce inflammation and swelling
- Surgery to repair any physical damage to the eye
- Eye exercises to improve eye movement and coordination
- Eye drops to reduce eye pressure
- Laser treatments to reduce scarring
- Rehabilitation to improve vision and eye function

7 Days of Hospitalization Required

Average Time for Outpatient Care Not Established
Birth injury to eye - Prevention
Prevention of birth injury to the eye includes educating pregnant women on the importance of regular prenatal visits and monitoring, avoiding smoking and drugs during pregnancy, maintaining healthy nutrition, and following the advice of prenatal care providers. additionally, proper positioning of the baby during delivery and avoiding the use of forceps or vacuum extraction can help reduce the risk of birth injury to the eye.