Birth injury to face - what does this mean
Birth injury to the face usually occurs when the infant's head is too large for the birth canal, or if the infant's shoulder is stuck on the mother's pubic bone. this can cause trauma to the infant's face, such as bruising, lacerations, or swelling.
What happens during the disease - birth injury to face
Birth injury to the face can occur due to a variety of factors, including trauma from a difficult delivery, compression of the baby's head, or the use of forceps or vacuum-assisted delivery. this trauma can result in bruising, lacerations, or fractures to the baby's face, as well as swelling and other soft tissue damage. if left untreated, these injuries can lead to long-term facial deformities, vision or hearing impairment, and other complications.
Treatment and Medical Assistance
Main goal of the treatment: To reduce the risk of permanent facial disfigurement or disability caused by the birth injury.
- Administering pain medications to the patient
- Provide physical therapy and exercises to the affected area
- Perform surgery to correct any deformities
- Provide psychological counseling to the patient and family
- Provide skin care and protection to the affected area
- Provide nutritional support to increase healing
- Provide wound care, including dressings and antibiotics
- Monitor the patient's progress and adjust treatment as needed

7 Days of Hospitalization Required

Average Time for Outpatient Care Not Established
Birth injury to face - Prevention
Birth injury to the face can be prevented by proper prenatal care, ensuring that the mother is healthy before labor, and allowing the baby to be born naturally. additionally, the use of forceps and other delivery tools should be used only when absolutely necessary, and the baby should be monitored closely during the delivery process.