(P50) Fetal blood loss

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11 913 in individuals diagnosis fetal blood loss confirmed
3 268 deaths with diagnosis fetal blood loss
27% mortality rate associated with the disease fetal blood loss

Diagnosis fetal blood loss is diagnosed Women are 3.72% more likely than Men

5 735

Men receive the diagnosis fetal blood loss

1 801 (31.4 %)

Died from this diagnosis.

6 178

Women receive the diagnosis fetal blood loss

1 467 (23.7 %)

Died from this diagnosis.

Risk Group for the Disease fetal blood loss - Men and Women aged 0

In Men diagnosis is most often set at age 0-5, 35-39, 85-89
Less common in men the disease occurs at Age 5-34, 40-84, 90-95+Less common in women the disease occurs at Age 0-95+
In Women diagnosis is most often set at age 0-1

Disease Features fetal blood loss

Absence or low individual and public risk

Fetal blood loss - what does this mean

Fetal blood loss, also known as fetomaternal hemorrhage, occurs when a fetus loses blood into the mother's circulation due to trauma, such as a medical procedure, or due to a placental tear or abruption. the mother's immune system may then produce antibodies that attack the fetal red blood cells, leading to anemia and other complications.

What happens during the disease - fetal blood loss

Fetal blood loss occurs when the fetus experiences an abnormal decrease in the amount of blood circulating within their body due to a variety of causes, including a ruptured placenta, umbilical cord abnormalities, or trauma to the fetus. when this occurs, the fetus may become oxygen deprived, leading to a decrease in fetal heart rate and, in some cases, death.

Clinical Pattern

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How does a doctor diagnose

  • Complete physical examination of the patient
  • Ultrasound scan to check fetal heart rate, size and position
  • Blood tests to check for anemia, infection, and clotting disorders
  • Doppler ultrasound to measure the blood flow in the umbilical cord
  • Amniocentesis to check for infection, chromosomal abnormalities, and genetic disorders
  • Cardiotocography (CTG) to measure fetal heart rate and uterine contractions
  • Uterine artery Doppler to measure blood flow in the uterine artery
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to check for placental abnormalities

Treatment and Medical Assistance

Main goal of treatment: To reduce and prevent fetal blood loss
  • Monitoring fetal heart rate
  • Administering oxygen to the mother
  • Administering medications to the mother to reduce uterine contractions
  • Administering medications to the mother to reduce blood pressure
  • Administering medications to the mother to reduce inflammation
  • Administering medications to the mother to reduce blood clotting
  • Administering medications to the mother to reduce the risk of infection
  • Administering fluids to the mother to maintain hydration
  • Administering blood transfusions to the mother
  • Monitoring the mother's vital signs
  • Performing an ultrasound to assess the fetus
  • Performing an amniocentesis to assess the fetus
  • Performing a cordocentesis to assess the fetus
  • Performing a cesarean section to deliver the fetus
15 Days of Hospitalization Required
Average Time for Outpatient Care Not Established

Fetal blood loss - Prevention

The best way to prevent fetal blood loss is to ensure that pregnant women receive regular prenatal care to monitor the health of the baby, and to identify any potential risks or complications early on. additionally, pregnant women should be aware of the signs and symptoms of fetal blood loss, such as decreased fetal movement, vaginal bleeding, and abdominal pain, and should seek medical attention immediately if any of these signs are present.

Specified forms of the disease

(P50.0) Fetal blood loss from vasa praevia
(P50.1) Fetal blood loss from ruptured cord
(P50.2) Fetal blood loss from placenta
(P50.3) Haemorrhage into co-twin
(P50.4) Haemorrhage into maternal circulation
(P50.5) Fetal blood loss from cut end of co-twin's cord
(P50.8) Other fetal blood loss
(P50.9) Fetal blood loss, unspecified