Fracture of shaft of ulna - what does this mean
A fracture of the shaft of the ulna is a break that occurs in the long bone of the forearm, between the elbow and the wrist. it is usually caused by a direct blow to the arm, or by a fall onto an outstretched hand. it can also be caused by a twisting force, such as when a person tries to catch themselves during a fall.
What happens during the disease - fracture of shaft of ulna
The pathogenesis of a fracture of the shaft of the ulna is typically caused by a direct blow or force to the arm, resulting in a break in the bone. this force can cause a break in the cortex of the bone, resulting in a fracture. the force can also cause a break in the articular surface of the bone, resulting in a dislocation. in addition, the force can cause a break in the ligament and muscle attachments, leading to instability of the joint.
Treatment and Medical Assistance
Main goal of the treatment: To heal the fracture of the shaft of the ulna.
- Immobilization of the affected area with a splint or cast.
- Administering pain medication to reduce pain and inflammation.
- Physical therapy to strengthen the muscles and improve range of motion.
- Surgery to realign the bones and stabilize the fracture.
- Rehabilitation to restore normal function.
7 Days of Hospitalization Required
Average Time for Outpatient Care Not Established
Fracture of shaft of ulna - Prevention
The prevention of fracture of the shaft of the ulna can be achieved by avoiding activities that are likely to cause trauma to the arm, such as contact sports, and by wearing protective gear such as elbow pads when engaging in activities that may put the arm at risk. additionally, maintaining overall good health with regular exercise and a balanced diet can help to ensure that bones remain strong and less likely to fracture.