(S83.2) Tear of meniscus, current

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8 409 910 in individuals diagnosis tear of meniscus, current confirmed

Diagnosis tear of meniscus, current is diagnosed Men are 35.46% more likely than Women

5 696 073

Men receive the diagnosis tear of meniscus, current

0 (less than 0.1%)

Died from this diagnosis.

2 713 837

Women receive the diagnosis tear of meniscus, current

0 (less than 0.1%)

Died from this diagnosis.

Risk Group for the Disease tear of meniscus, current - Men aged 20-24 and Women aged 15-19

In Men diagnosis is most often set at age 0-95+
Less common in men the disease occurs at Age 0-1Less common in women the disease occurs at Age 0-1
In Women diagnosis is most often set at age 0-95+

Disease Features tear of meniscus, current

Moderate individual risk, low public risk

Tear of meniscus, current - what does this mean

A tear of the meniscus occurs when the knee joint is suddenly twisted, causing the meniscus to tear. this can happen due to a direct blow to the knee, or from activities that involve sudden pivoting or twisting of the knee, such as sports. symptoms of a meniscus tear include pain, swelling, and difficulty straightening or bending the knee.

What happens during the disease - tear of meniscus, current

Мениски – эластичные хрящевые пластинки, расположенные между суставными поверхностями бедренной и большеберцовой костей. Имеют форму полукруга, состоят из середины (тела) и краев (переднего и заднего рога). Передние рога менисков прикрепляются к передней части межмыщелкового возвышения, задние – к задней. Выпуклые боковые части менисков сращены с суставной капсулой. В коленном суставе человека есть два мениска: латеральный (наружный) и медиальный (внутренний), их передние части соединяются между собой при помощи поперечной связки. Внутренний мениск связан с боковой внутренней связкой сустава, поэтому данные анатомические образования часто повреждаются одновременно.


Мениски выполняют амортизационную функцию, участвуют в стабилизации коленного сустава и увеличивают площадь соприкосновения большеберцовой и бедренной кости, что позволяет снизить нагрузку на суставные поверхности. Кроме того, в менисках есть проприорецепторы, сигналы которых помогают мозгу определить, в каком положении в данный момент находится нижняя конечность. Сосудов в менисках нет, кровоснабжение их боковых частей осуществляется из капсулы сустава, а внутренние части получают питательные вещества только из синовиальной жидкости.


С учетом особенностей питания в менисках выделяют три зоны: красную, промежуточную и белую. Красная зона расположена рядом с капсулой, разрывы в ней, как правило, срастаются самостоятельно благодаря хорошему кровоснабжению. Промежуточная зона находится дальше от капсулы и хуже снабжается кровью, при повреждении мениска в этой зоне нередко приходится прибегать к оперативным вмешательствам. Белая зона располагается ближе к центру сустава, кровоснабжение в ней отсутствует, а питательных веществ из внутрисуставной жидкости оказывается недостаточно для полноценного сращения, поэтому при разрывах этой зоны требуется хирургическое лечение.

Clinical Pattern

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How does a doctor diagnose

  • Physical Examination
  • X-Ray
  • MRI Scan
  • Ultrasound
  • Arthroscopy

Treatment and Medical Assistance

Main goal of the treatment: To reduce pain and improve knee function
  • Resting the knee
  • Ice therapy
  • Compression bandages
  • Elevation of the knee
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Physical therapy
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Arthroscopic surgery
  • Total knee replacement
7 Days of Hospitalization Required
Average Time for Outpatient Care Not Established

Tear of meniscus, current - Prevention

The best way to prevent a tear of the meniscus is to practice safe physical activity, such as stretching before and after exercise, using proper technique when playing sports, and avoiding high-impact activities. additionally, maintaining a healthy weight and strengthening the muscles around the knee joint can help reduce the risk of a tear.

Main symptoms of the disease tear of meniscus, current

Joint pain

(Arthritis, Rheumatism, Aches, Stiffness, Inflammation, Tenderness, Soreness, Swollen joints, Stabbing pain, Throbbing pain, Sharp pain, Dull ache)

Joint pain is a common symptom that can range from mild to severe. It is often caused by inflammation or injury to the joints, muscles, or tendons. It can be localized to one joint or affect multiple joints. It can be acute, lasting only a few days or chronic, lasting weeks or months. It may manifes...

Age: any ageAccociated with 130 diseases

Knee pain

(Knee discomfort, Knee ache, Knee soreness, Knee tenderness, Knee throbbing, Knee twinge, Knee stiffness, Knee aching, Knee anguish, Knee distress, Knee tingling, Knee burning, Knee sore, Knee discomforting)

Knee pain is a common symptom that can range from mild to severe. It can be caused by a variety of conditions, including arthritis, injury, or overuse. It may manifest as a dull ache, sharp pain, or throbbing sensation. It can develop gradually over time, or suddenly after a traumatic event. Dependi...

Age: any ageAccociated with 15 diseases

Pain when walking

(Ache, Achey, Aching, Agony, Anguish, Distress, Hurt, Misery, Pang, Soreness, Sting, Suffering, Throb, Torment, Torture)

Pain when walking is a common symptom that can present in a variety of ways. It can start as a dull ache that gradually worsens with activity or can be sudden and sharp. It can be localized to one area, or may radiate to other areas of the body. It can be accompanied by swelling, redness, or warmth ...

Age: At null Years OldAccociated with 18 diseases

Tissue edema

(Fluid retention, Swelling, Puffiness, Fluid accumulation, Bloating, Hydrops, Dropsy, Congestion, Inflammation)

Tissue edema is an accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space of the body. It can occur in any part of the body, but is most commonly seen in the extremities, face, and abdomen. It is characterized by swelling, tenderness, and a feeling of tightness in the affected area. It may develop graduall...

Age: any ageAccociated with 132 diseases

Pain in the tendons

(Tendon ache, Tendon discomfort, Tendon pains, Tendon soreness, Tendon stiffness, Tendon strains, Tendon tenderness, Tendon twinges, Tendon twitches)

Pain in the tendons is a common symptom that can be caused by overuse, injury, or inflammatory conditions. It is usually a sharp, aching pain that develops gradually and can be localized to the affected area. It can be accompanied by swelling, redness, and tenderness. Depending on the cause, the pai...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 22 diseases

Stiffness of movement

(Rigidity, Stiffness, Stiff, Inflexibility, Stiffen, Immobility, Stiffening, Stiffly, Rigidness, Rigidifying, Rigidify, Rigidly)

Stiffness of movement is a symptom characterized by difficulty in movement, usually due to muscle tightness or joint pain. It may manifest as a feeling of tightness in the muscles, as a lack of range of motion, or as difficulty in performing everyday activities. It can develop gradually over time, o...

Age: any ageAccociated with 48 diseases