Pain in the hand

(Ache in the hand, Aching in the hand, Distress in the hand, Tenderness in the hand, Soreness in the hand, Trouble in the hand, Pang in the hand, Smarting in the hand, Throbbing in the hand, Stinging in the hand, Burning in the hand)

Pain in the hand can be a symptom of a variety of medical conditions. It can manifest as a dull ache or a sharp, stabbing sensation. It can start suddenly or gradually worsen over time. It can be localized to one spot or affect the entire hand. It can be accompanied by swelling, stiffness, or tingling. It can be caused by injury, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or other medical conditions.

12 diseases may cause the symptom pain in the hand
Age: any age
Equally Common in Men and Women