Pain all over the body

If you experience any symptoms, please consult a doctor (Aching, Aching all over, Aching pains, Aching sensation, Aching sensations, Aching everywhere, Aching throughout, Aching throughout body, Aching all over body, Aching body, Aching in body, Aching in every part of body, Aching in every part, Aching in all parts, Aching in all areas, Aching in all parts of body, Aching in all areas of body, Aching in all places, Aching in every place, Aching in every area, Aching in all locations, Aching in all places of body, Aching in all parts of the body, Aching in all areas of the body, Aching in every corner of body, Aching in every corner, Aching in every spot, Aching in every corner of the body, Aching in every spot of body, Aching in every spot of the body, Aching in every region, Aching in every region of body, Aching in every region of the body)

Pain all over the body is a symptom of many illnesses and conditions. It can range from mild aches to severe, debilitating pain. It can be localized or generalized, and can come on suddenly or gradually. It is often accompanied by other symptoms like fatigue, fever, and loss of appetite. Pain can be caused by inflammation, muscle tension, injury, or an underlying medical condition. It can manifest as throbbing, aching, sharp, or burning sensations. Treatment for pain all over the body varies depending on the cause.

9 diseases may cause the symptom pain all over the body
Age: 1 to 100
Equally Common in Men and Women