Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder caused by impaired control of the muscles used for speech. It is characterized by slurred, slowed, or otherwise distorted speech. Symptoms may include difficulty articulating words, difficulty controlling the volume of speech, and difficulty forming words. Dysarthria can develop gradually or suddenly, depending on the cause. Common causes include stroke, head trauma, brain tumors, and neurological conditions. Dysarthria can have many different manifestations, including difficulty forming words, slurred speech, and difficulty controlling the volume of speech.
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(Пятнистый островковый склероз, бляшечный склероз, Диссеминированный склероз, Множественный склероз)
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(Апоплексический удар, Острое нарушение мозгового кровообращения, Кровоизлияние в мозг)
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