
If you experience any symptoms, please consult a doctor (Painful crying, Abdominal cramps, Stomach cramps, Griping, Gripe, Gastric distress, Gastric discomfort, Gastrointestinal discomfort, Gastrointestinal pain, Abdominal pain, Abdominal distress, Stomach pain, Intestinal pain, Intestinal cramps, Gastric pain)

Colic is an abdominal pain that typically starts and stops suddenly, often occurring in waves. It is usually seen in infants, characterized by episodes of intense crying, drawing up of legs and facial expressions of pain. Colic usually begins within the first few weeks of life and can last up to 3-4 months, typically occurring in the late afternoon and evening. Common signs and symptoms include excessive crying, drawing up of legs, clenched fists, and facial expressions of pain.

14 diseases may cause the symptom colic
Age: 1 to 100
Equally Common in Men and Women