
If you experience any symptoms, please consult a doctor (Lichenification, Lichenoid reaction, Lichenoid dermatitis, Lichen planus-like eruption, Lichenoid eruption, Lichenoid drug eruption, Lichenoid reaction to drugs, Lichenoid contact dermatitis, Lichenoid reaction to contact, Lichenoid mucositis)

Lichenization is a skin condition characterized by thick, rough, leathery skin with a pattern of raised bumps or lesions. It often appears on areas of the body that are exposed to friction or pressure such as the elbows, knees, and lower back. It typically develops gradually, beginning as small, flat, scaly patches that become raised and thickened over time. It is often accompanied by itching, burning, and pain. Lichenization can be caused by a variety of factors, including allergies, skin disorders, and autoimmune diseases.

1 diseases may cause the symptom lichenization
Age: 1 to 100
Equally Common in Men and Women

Diseases, which may be a consequence of the symptom lichenization

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