(H26) Other cataract

More details coming soon

8 690 786 in individuals diagnosis other cataract confirmed
892 deaths with diagnosis other cataract

Diagnosis other cataract is diagnosed Women are 23.91% more likely than Men

3 306 390

Men receive the diagnosis other cataract

892 (less than 0.1%)

Died from this diagnosis.

5 384 396

Women receive the diagnosis other cataract

0 (less than 0.1%)

Died from this diagnosis.

Risk Group for the Disease other cataract - Men and Women aged 75-79

In Men diagnosis is most often set at age 0-95+
in in men, the disease manifests at any agein in women, the disease manifests at any age
In Women diagnosis is most often set at age 0-95+

Disease Features other cataract

Moderate individual risk, low public risk

Other cataract - what does this mean

Other cataract is caused by a variety of factors such as trauma, inflammation, systemic diseases, medications, and radiation. it is also caused by aging, genetic factors, and complications from other eye diseases. it is a clouding of the lens of the eye, which affects the passage of light through the lens and causes vision loss.

What happens during the disease - other cataract

More details coming soon

Clinical Pattern

More details coming soon

How does a doctor diagnose

  • Perform a comprehensive eye exam, including visual acuity, pupil reaction, and a slit-lamp examination.
  • Carry out an ultrasound scan to measure the thickness of the lens.
  • Order a computed tomography (CT) scan to assess the shape and size of the lens.
  • Order a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan to assess the size and shape of the lens.
  • Carry out a blood test to check for any underlying health conditions.
  • Carry out a genetic test to determine if the patient has a genetic predisposition to the condition.
  • Carry out a visual field test to assess the extent of vision loss.
  • Refer the patient to a specialist for further testing and treatment.

Treatment and Medical Assistance

Main goal: To treat Other Cataract
  • Perform a comprehensive ophthalmic examination to assess the severity of the disease.
  • Administer topical medications to reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Prescribe oral medications to reduce intraocular pressure.
  • Implement laser treatments to reduce the size of the cataract.
  • Perform a surgical procedure to remove the cataract.
  • Prescribe eye drops to reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Perform follow-up examinations to monitor the progress of the disease.
5 Days of Hospitalization Required
Average Time for Outpatient Care Not Established

Other cataract - Prevention

Other cataract can be prevented by wearing sunglasses that block ultraviolet light, eating a healthy diet rich in antioxidants and vitamins, avoiding smoking, and having regular eye exams.

Main symptoms of the disease other cataract

Decreased vision

(Impaired vision, Blurred vision, Diminished vision, Reduced vision, Fuzzy vision, Clouded vision, Hazy vision, Poor vision, Weak vision, Low vision)

Decreased vision is a symptom of many underlying conditions. It can range from mild blurring of vision to complete loss of sight. It can develop gradually or suddenly, and may be accompanied by pain, headaches, or double vision. Depending on the underlying cause, it can be partial or complete, affec...

Age: any ageAccociated with 74 diseases

Cystic macular edema

(Cystic macular oedema, Cystoid macular edema, Cystic macular swelling, Cystoid macular swelling, Cystoid macular oedema, Cystic macular thickening, Cystoid macular thickening)

Cystic macular edema is an eye condition that causes fluid to accumulate in the macula, a part of the retina. It can cause blurred vision, distorted images, and even blindness. Symptoms can develop slowly over time, and may include central vision loss, straight lines appearing curved, and difficulty...

Age: any ageAccociated with 16 diseases

Decreased visual acuity

(Reduced eyesight, Blurred vision, Fuzzy vision, Hazy vision, Dim vision, Poor vision, Clouded vision, Blind spots, Poor focusing, Decreased sharpness, Loss of visual clarity)

Decreased visual acuity is a symptom of vision loss or impairment. It is characterized by a decrease in the ability to see clearly and distinguish objects at a distance. It can develop gradually over time or be sudden, and may be accompanied by other symptoms such as blurriness, double vision, or se...

Age: any ageAccociated with 40 diseases

Specified forms of the disease

(H26.0) Infantile, juvenile and presenile cataract
(H26.1) Traumatic cataract
(H26.2) Complicated cataract
(H26.3) Drug-induced cataract
(H26.4) After-cataract
(H26.8) Other specified cataract
(H26.9) Cataract, unspecified