(J35) Chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids

(Хронический тонзиллит, ангина, Аденоиды, Аденоидит, Гипертрофия небных миндалин)

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19 659 480 in individuals diagnosis chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids confirmed
892 deaths with diagnosis chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids

Diagnosis chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids is diagnosed Men are 7.26% more likely than Women

10 543 624

Men receive the diagnosis chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids

892 (less than 0.1%)

Died from this diagnosis.

9 115 856

Women receive the diagnosis chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids

0 (less than 0.1%)

Died from this diagnosis.

Risk Group for the Disease chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids - Men and Women aged 5-9

In Men diagnosis is most often set at age 0-89
Less common in men the disease occurs at Age 90-95+in in women, the disease manifests at any age
In Women diagnosis is most often set at age 0-95+

Disease Features chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids

Infectious Airborne
Absence or low individual and public risk

Chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids - what does this mean

Chronic diseases of the tonsils and adenoids are caused by inflammation and infection of the tonsils and adenoids due to bacteria, viruses, or other organisms. this can lead to recurrent sore throat, ear infections, difficulty breathing, and sleep apnea.

What happens during the disease - chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids

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Clinical Pattern

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How does a doctor diagnose

  • Physical examination of the throat and neck
  • X-rays of the neck and throat
  • CT scan of the neck and throat
  • Endoscopy of the throat
  • Blood tests
  • Culture of throat swab
  • Tissue biopsy
  • MRI of the neck and throat
  • Ultrasound of the neck and throat

Treatment and Medical Assistance

Main Goal of the Treatment: To reduce the symptoms of Chronic Diseases of Tonsils and Adenoids
  • Antibiotics to reduce infection
  • Steroid medications to reduce inflammation
  • Pain relievers to reduce discomfort
  • Humidifier to reduce throat dryness
  • Saltwater gargle to reduce throat pain
  • Nasal decongestants to reduce nasal congestion
  • Surgery to remove tonsils and adenoids (if necessary)
5 Days of Hospitalization Required
Average Time for Outpatient Care Not Established

Chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids - Prevention

More details coming soon

Main symptoms of the disease chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids

Voice disorder

(Ache, Pain, Discomfort, Soreness, Tenderness, Distress, Pang)

Voice disorder is a disruption in the production of speech. It can cause hoarseness, breathiness, roughness, and other changes in the quality and pitch of the voice. It can develop gradually or suddenly, and can range from mild to severe. Symptoms may include difficulty speaking, pain when speaking,...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 9 diseases

Difficulty swallowing

(Dysphagia, Trouble swallowing, Swallowing difficulty, Difficult swallowing, Difficulty in swallowing, Swallowing dysfunction, Swallowing problems, Swallowing difficulties)

Difficulty swallowing is a symptom where a person has difficulty passing food and liquid from the mouth to the stomach. It is often accompanied by a sensation of food sticking in the throat or chest. It can start suddenly or develop over time and may be accompanied by chest pain, heartburn, hoarsene...

Age: any ageAccociated with 41 diseases

Pain in the tonsils

(Sore throat, Throat ache, Tonsillitis, Tonsil pain, Throat discomfort, Throat irritation, Throat inflammation, Throat infection, Throat soreness, Throat tenderness)

Pain in the tonsils is a common symptom of infection or inflammation of the tonsils. It can be felt as a soreness or burning sensation in the throat, and may be accompanied by difficulty swallowing, redness, and swelling of the tonsils. Pain may worsen when swallowing or talking, and can be accompan...

Age: any ageAccociated with 6 diseases

Lowering one's voice

(Softening voice, Muffling voice, Quieting voice, Muting voice, Reducing volume, Lowering pitch, Diminishing volume, Subduing voice, Dampening voice, Hushing voice)

Lowering one's voice is a symptom of a variety of medical conditions. It can manifest as a sudden or gradual decrease in vocal volume and pitch. It can be caused by muscle weakness, vocal cord damage, or a neurological disorder. In some cases, it can be a sign of vocal fatigue or overuse. It can als...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 7 diseases

A sore throat

(Scratchy throat, Irritated throat, Raw throat, Hoarse throat, Sore throat, Aching throat, Swollen throat, Tender throat, Scratchy feeling in throat, Burning throat)

A sore throat is an inflammation of the throat caused by a virus or bacteria. It usually starts as a scratchy feeling in the throat that progresses to a burning sensation. It is often accompanied by swollen lymph nodes, fever, a runny nose, and a cough. Symptoms can range from mild discomfort to sev...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 47 diseases


Weakness is a lack of strength and energy that can range from mild to severe. It can be a symptom of a wide range of conditions, including physical and mental exhaustion, chronic illnesses, and certain medications. It can also be caused by a lack of nutrients, dehydration, or an underlying medical c...

Age: any ageAccociated with 291 diseases


(Hack, Wheeze, Hacking, Coughing, Rales, Choking, Gasping, Barking, Hemoptysis, Whooping, Pertussis)

Coughing is a reflex action that helps clear airways of irritants and mucus. It usually begins as a dry, tickling sensation in the back of the throat that causes an uncontrollable urge to cough. It can range from a mild, intermittent annoyance to a severe, hacking cough that produces thick mucus. It...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 116 diseases


(Listlessness, Sluggishness, Languor, Lack of energy, Weariness, Weary, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Drowsiness, Torpor, Apathy, Indolence, Slackness)

Lethargy is a state of extreme tiredness or lack of energy. It can manifest as a lack of motivation, difficulty concentrating, and a general feeling of being physically and mentally drained. In extreme cases, it can lead to feelings of depression and irritability. Lethargy typically develops slowly ...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 34 diseases


(Breathing noisily, Noise while sleeping, Snorting, Grunting, Wheezing, Rattling, Buzzing, Whistling, Whining, Roaring)

Snoring is a symptom of a blocked airway caused by the relaxation of the throat muscles during sleep. It is usually characterized by a loud, raspy sound that can be heard from a distance. It can develop over time due to age, obesity, alcohol consumption, or allergies. It can range from mild to sever...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 3 diseases

Muscle pain

(Muscle ache, Muscular soreness, Muscular discomfort, Muscle tenderness, Muscle strain, Muscle spasm, Muscle twinge, Muscle stiffness, Muscle cramp, Muscle fatigue)

Muscle pain is a symptom of an underlying medical condition. It can range from a dull ache to a sharp, burning sensation and can be localized to one area or throughout the body. It often develops gradually, starting with mild discomfort that progresses over time. Muscle pain can be caused by a varie...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 88 diseases

Enlarged lymph nodes

(Swollen lymph nodes, Enlarged lymph glands, Inflamed lymph nodes, Bulging lymph nodes, Tender lymph nodes, Enlarged lymph nodes, Swollen lymph glands, Inflamed lymph glands, Bulging lymph glands, Tender lymph glands)

Enlarged lymph nodes are swellings in the lymphatic system that can range in size from pea-sized to the size of a golf ball. They can develop in the neck, armpit, or groin and are usually painless. They can be caused by infection, inflammation, or cancer and may be accompanied by fever, night sweats...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 88 diseases

Hearing loss

(Auditory impairment, Deafness, Hearing impairment, Hearing reduction, Partial deafness, Sensorineural hearing loss, Presbycusis)

Hearing loss is a decrease in the ability to hear sound. It can be temporary or permanent and can range from mild to severe. Symptoms may include ringing in the ears, difficulty understanding speech, and difficulty hearing high-pitched sounds. Hearing loss can develop gradually over time, or it can ...

Age: any ageAccociated with 37 diseases

Elevated temperature 37-38 °

(High temperature, Fever, Feverishness, Pyrexia, Hyperthermia, Heat, Warmth, Hyperpyrexia, Hyperthermy, Thermalgia)

Elevated temperature is a symptom of illness where the body temperature is higher than normal. It typically appears as a fever, with the temperature ranging from 37-38°C. It is often accompanied by other symptoms such as chills, body aches, and fatigue. Elevated temperature can develop over a few da...

Age: any ageAccociated with 165 diseases

Runny nose

Runny nose is a common symptom of a cold or allergies. It is characterized by a clear, watery discharge from the nose and can be accompanied by sneezing, watery eyes, and a sore throat. Runny nose usually begins with a feeling of congestion, followed by a runny discharge that can range from thin and...

Age: any ageAccociated with 37 diseases

Joint pain

(Arthritis, Rheumatism, Aches, Stiffness, Inflammation, Tenderness, Soreness, Swollen joints, Stabbing pain, Throbbing pain, Sharp pain, Dull ache)

Joint pain is a common symptom that can range from mild to severe. It is often caused by inflammation or injury to the joints, muscles, or tendons. It can be localized to one joint or affect multiple joints. It can be acute, lasting only a few days or chronic, lasting weeks or months. It may manifes...

Age: any ageAccociated with 130 diseases


(Tiredness, Exhaustion, Lethargy, Lassitude, Weariness, Burn-out, Weakness, Malaise, Lack of energy, Lack of strength, Listlessness)

Fatigue is a common symptom that can range from mild to severe. It is usually characterized by a feeling of tiredness and exhaustion that can range from mild to severe. It can develop gradually over time or suddenly, and can be caused by a variety of factors, including physical or mental stress, sle...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 157 diseases

Difficulty breathing through the nose

(Shortness of breath through nose, Nasal breathlessness, Nasal obstruction, Nasal airway resistance, Labored breathing through nose, Stuffy nose, Difficulty inhaling through nose, Nasal congestion, Nasal blockage, Difficulty exhaling through nose)

Difficulty breathing through the nose is a common symptom of many conditions, such as allergies, sinusitis, and the common cold. It can manifest as congestion, sneezing, a runny nose, and a feeling of pressure or tightness in the nose and face. It can also cause a whistling sound when breathing. Dif...

Age: any ageAccociated with 18 diseases

Sleep apnea

(Sleeping disorder, Breathing difficulty, Nocturnal dyspnea, Snoring, Oxygen desaturation, Daytime fatigue, Respiratory arrest, Sleep-disordered breathing, Airway obstruction, Apneic episodes)

Sleep apnea is a disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. It can manifest as shallow breathing, snoring, gasping, or even complete cessation of breathing. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, and can develop gradually or suddenly. Sleep apnea can be caused by a variety of facto...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 8 diseases