(K02) Dental caries

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276 313 in individuals diagnosis dental caries confirmed
2 940 deaths with diagnosis dental caries
1% mortality rate associated with the disease dental caries

Diagnosis dental caries is diagnosed Men are 18.07% more likely than Women

163 127

Men receive the diagnosis dental caries

2 940 (1.8 %)

Died from this diagnosis.

113 186

Women receive the diagnosis dental caries

0 (less than 0.1%)

Died from this diagnosis.

Risk Group for the Disease dental caries - Men and Women aged 5-9

In Men diagnosis is most often set at age 0-95+
Less common in men the disease occurs at Age 0-1Less common in women the disease occurs at Age 0-1, 95+
In Women diagnosis is most often set at age 0-94

Disease Features dental caries

Absence or low individual and public risk

Dental caries - what does this mean

Dental caries is a bacterial infection of the teeth caused by the accumulation of plaque, which is a sticky film of bacteria and food debris that forms on the surface of the teeth. the bacteria produce acids that break down the enamel of the teeth, resulting in cavities and tooth decay.

What happens during the disease - dental caries

Dental caries is a chronic, transmissible infectious disease caused by the acid production of certain bacteria in the oral cavity. the bacteria feed on the sugars and carbohydrates in the diet and produce acids that demineralize the enamel of the teeth. this leads to the formation of cavities and eventually loss of the tooth structure.

Clinical Pattern

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How does a doctor diagnose

More details coming soon

Treatment and Medical Assistance

More details coming soon
5 Days of Hospitalization Required
99 Hours Required for Outpatient Treatment

Dental caries - Prevention

The best way to prevent dental caries is to practice good oral hygiene, including brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, and visiting your dentist regularly for check-ups and professional cleanings. limiting your intake of sugary foods and drinks can also help to reduce your risk of developing dental caries.

Main symptoms of the disease dental caries

Stain on the tooth

Staining on the tooth is a common symptom of dental health issues. It can appear as yellow, brown, or gray spots on the surface of the tooth. It can develop over time due to poor oral hygiene, drinking coffee, tea, or other beverages, or smoking. It can also be caused by certain medications, aging, ...

Age: any ageAccociated with 5 diseases


(Tooth pain, Dental pain, Oral pain, Jaw pain, Gum pain, Molar pain, Incisor pain, Canine pain, Premolar pain, Sinus pain, Ache, Acheing, Aching, Distress, Hurt, Irritation)

Toothache is a sharp, throbbing pain in the teeth and/or surrounding gums, caused by an infection or injury. It can start off as a mild ache and gradually worsen, or it can be sudden and intense. It can be accompanied by a sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks, as well as swelling of t...

Age: any ageAccociated with 10 diseases

Pain in the mouth

(Agony, Distress, Misery, Suffering, Torture, Trouble, Ache, Hurt, Smarting, Pang, Stabbing, Throbbing, Twinge)

Pain in the mouth can manifest in a variety of ways, including a burning sensation, a sharp stabbing feeling, and a dull ache. It can be caused by a variety of conditions, such as tooth decay, an infection, or a dental injury. It can also be a symptom of an underlying medical condition such as an au...

Age: any ageAccociated with 5 diseases

Smell from the mouth

Bad breath, or halitosis, is a symptom characterized by an unpleasant odor emanating from the mouth. It is usually caused by bacteria on the tongue, teeth, or gums. It can also be caused by poor oral hygiene, dry mouth, certain foods, smoking, or certain medical conditions. Symptoms can range from m...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 22 diseases


(Bad bite, Crooked teeth, Misaligned teeth, Misalignment of teeth, Overbite, Underbite, Teeth crowding, Teeth overlapping, Teeth misalignment, Malpositioned teeth, Teeth displacement, Malocclusion of teeth)

Malocclusion is an abnormal bite caused by misalignment of the upper and lower teeth. It can range from mild to severe, with symptoms including crowded teeth, protruding teeth, and misaligned jaw. It can develop due to genetics, injury, or an incorrect swallowing pattern. This condition can cause pa...

Age: any ageAccociated with 3 diseases

Pain in the face

(Ache, Ache in face, Facial pain, Discomfort, Stinging, Burning, Throbbing, Soreness, Tenderness, Aching, Pinching, Pulsing, Tingling, Pressure)

Pain in the face is a symptom that can manifest in a variety of ways. It can be a dull ache, a sharp stabbing sensation, or a burning sensation. It can start off as a mild discomfort and gradually become more intense. It can be localized to one area or spread throughout the face. There are a variety...

Age: any ageAccociated with 11 diseases

Jaw pain

(Mandible ache, Oral discomfort, Cheek soreness, Jaw tenderness, Maxillary soreness, Chin pain, Mouth agony, Jawline distress, Facial soreness, Jaw ache)

Jaw pain is a common symptom that can range from mild to severe. It can be localized to the jaw joint or radiate to the face, neck, and shoulders. It can be a sharp, burning, or aching sensation that may be aggravated by chewing, talking, or yawning. Jaw pain can develop gradually or suddenly and ca...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 15 diseases

Tooth sensitivity

(Tooth pain, Tooth ache, Tooth discomfort, Tooth sensitivity to cold, Painful teeth, Sensitive teeth, Teeth pain, Teeth ache, Teeth discomfort, Teeth sensitivity to cold)

Tooth sensitivity is a common symptom characterized by a sharp, sudden pain when eating or drinking something hot, cold, sweet, or acidic. It can also be triggered by breathing in cold air. It usually develops over time as the enamel on the teeth wears away, exposing the dentin layer and causing pai...

Age: At null Years OldAccociated with 7 diseases

Specified forms of the disease

(K02.0) Caries limited to enamel
(K02.1) Caries of dentine
(K02.2) Caries of cementum
(K02.3) Arrested dental caries
(K02.4) Odontoclasia
(K02.8) Other dental caries
(K02.9) Dental caries, unspecified