(L71) Rosacea

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88 896 in individuals diagnosis rosacea confirmed

Diagnosis rosacea is diagnosed Women are 21.75% more likely than Men

34 779

Men receive the diagnosis rosacea

0 (less than 0.1%)

Died from this diagnosis.

54 117

Women receive the diagnosis rosacea

0 (less than 0.1%)

Died from this diagnosis.

Risk Group for the Disease rosacea - Men aged 65-69 and Women aged 50-54

In Men diagnosis is most often set at age 0-5, 15-84
Less common in men the disease occurs at Age 0-1, 5-14, 85-95+Less common in women the disease occurs at Age 0-5, 95+
In Women diagnosis is most often set at age 5-94

Disease Features rosacea

Absence or low individual and public risk

Rosacea - what does this mean

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that is characterized by facial redness, flushing, and inflammation. it is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, including sun exposure, certain medications, and bacteria on the skin. rosacea can also be triggered by stress, alcohol, and certain foods.

What happens during the disease - rosacea

Механизмы развития заболевания до сих пор изучаются и уточняются, но ключевая роль в патогенезе розацеа сейчас отводится нарушению сосудистого тонуса — ангионеврозу. В частности, в развитии преходящего и стойкого покраснения лица участвует медиатор брадикинин, уровень которого также повышается во время климакса, обусловливая характерные приливы. Такой же эффект можно наблюдать и во время реакции на психоэмоциональные раздражители, особенно у людей с неустойчивой психикой и особой склонностью к выраженным вегетативным проявлениям.

При розацеа отмечается выброс и других вазоактивных медиаторов воспаления — гистамина, серотонина и простагландинов.


Чрезмерное ультрафиолетовое облучение также способно изменять тонус сосудов в силу повреждающего воздействия на сосудистую стенку, что приводит к её атонии и повышенной хрупкости. Кроме того, при УФ-облучении происходит деградация волокон дермы, что также делает кожу более уязвимой к воздействию внешних факторов.


Воспалительные процессы при появлении папул и пустул стимулируются также бактерией Bacillus oleronius, которую выделяют клещи рода демодекс. Кроме того, в образовании пустулёзных элементов сыпи и нарушениях со стороны органов зрения нередко задействован эпидермальный стафилококк.Хроническое воспаление сопровождается функциональной недостаточностью мелких кровеносных и лимфатических сосудов лица, что приводит к развитию отёка (лимфедемы), фиброзным изменениям и утолщениям кожи.

Clinical Pattern

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How does a doctor diagnose

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Treatment and Medical Assistance

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12 Days of Hospitalization Required
Average Time for Outpatient Care Not Established

Rosacea - Prevention

Rosacea can be prevented by avoiding triggers such as sun exposure, spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine, and stress. additionally, using gentle cleansers and moisturizers, protecting the skin from the sun with hats and sunscreen, and avoiding harsh skin care products can help reduce the risk of developing rosacea.

Main symptoms of the disease rosacea

Spots on the skin

Spots on the skin can be caused by a variety of conditions, including infections, allergies, and even skin cancer. They can vary in size, shape, color, and texture, and can be raised or flat. Spots can develop gradually or suddenly, and may appear in clusters or as a single spot. Common types of spo...

Age: any ageAccociated with 32 diseases


(Bumps, Pimples, Lesions, Nodules, Pustules, Wheals, Blisters, Acne, Cysts)

Papules are small, raised bumps on the skin that can range in size from a few millimeters to a few centimeters. They are usually firm and can be red, pink, or skin-colored. Papules can develop gradually or suddenly and may be itchy or painful. They can be caused by a variety of conditions, such as a...

Age: any ageAccociated with 29 diseases

Hemorrhage under the skin

Hemorrhage under the skin is a symptom characterized by the presence of blood or fluid under the skin. It may appear as a bruise, lump, or discoloration. It usually develops after a trauma or injury to the skin, but can also occur due to a medical condition. The type of hemorrhage can vary, ranging ...

Age: any ageAccociated with 25 diseases


(Eruption, Dermatitis, Skin irritation, Hives, Itching, Inflammation, Redness, Bumps, Blotches, Scaly patch)

A rash is an area of irritated or swollen skin. It may appear as red bumps, patches, or blisters and can be itchy, dry, or painful. It can develop suddenly or over time and can be caused by a variety of factors, including allergies, infections, and irritants. Common rashes include eczema, hives, and...

Age: any ageAccociated with 103 diseases

Skin redness

(Rash, Erythema, Flushing, Inflammation, Blotchiness, Itching, Burning, Irritation, Discoloration, Tenderness)

Skin redness is a common symptom of many medical conditions. It can range from a mild pink flush on the cheeks to a deep red rash across the body. It is often accompanied by itching, burning, and swelling. It can develop quickly or over time, and can be triggered by a variety of factors such as alle...

Age: 1 to 100Accociated with 64 diseases

Specified forms of the disease

(L71.0) Perioral dermatitis
(L71.1) Rhinophyma
(L71.8) Other rosacea
(L71.9) Rosacea, unspecified