Surgical operation with formation of external stoma - what does this mean
A surgical operation with formation of an external stoma is a procedure in which a surgeon creates an opening in the abdominal wall and brings a section of the intestine or bladder to the outside of the body to create a stoma. this opening allows waste to pass from the body into a bag that is placed over the stoma.
What happens during the disease - surgical operation with formation of external stoma
Surgical operation with formation of external stoma is a procedure that involves creating an opening in the abdominal wall to allow waste to be expelled from the body. this is usually done when the normal pathway of elimination is blocked or damaged due to a medical condition such as crohn's disease, cancer, or previous abdominal surgery. the stoma is a temporary or permanent opening in the abdominal wall that connects the intestine to an external opening, allowing waste to be collected in a bag attached to the skin. the procedure is performed under general anesthesia and involves making an incision in the abdomen, creating the stoma, and connecting the intestine to the external opening. complications can include infection, hernias, and problems with the stoma itself.
Treatment and Medical Assistance
Main goal of the treatment: To treat the disease with a surgical operation with formation of external stoma.
- Gather medical history of the patient
- Perform physical examination
- Order laboratory tests to confirm diagnosis
- Evaluate the patient's medical condition and discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure
- Perform the surgical operation with formation of external stoma
- Monitor the patient's recovery and adjust the treatment plan accordingly
- Provide post-operative care and instructions for the patient

19 Days of Hospitalization Required

Average Time for Outpatient Care Not Established
Surgical operation with formation of external stoma - Prevention
The best way to prevent the formation of an external stoma is to practice good hygiene, maintain a healthy diet, and get regular screenings and check-ups. additionally, avoiding contact with people who have active infections and avoiding activities that could lead to injury or infection can help reduce the risk of needing a surgical operation with the formation of an external stoma.