Crushing injury of knee - what does this mean
Crushing injury of the knee occurs when a large amount of force is applied to the knee joint, resulting in a fracture of the bones, dislocation of the joint, and/or tearing of the ligaments and tendons. this type of injury is often caused by a fall, a motor vehicle accident, or a direct blow to the knee.
What happens during the disease - crushing injury of knee
Crushing injury of the knee is a traumatic injury that occurs when a large amount of force is applied to the knee joint, resulting in damage to the bones, ligaments, muscles, and other soft tissues in the area. this type of injury can be caused by a direct blow or a fall onto the knee, or by a heavy object falling onto the knee. the initial damage to the knee is often followed by swelling, pain, and difficulty in moving the joint. in severe cases, the injury can lead to permanent loss of joint function and nerve damage.
Crushing injury of knee - Prevention
The best way to prevent a crushing injury of the knee is to practice safe physical activities, such as wearing proper protective gear and avoiding contact sports. additionally, it is important to stay physically active, maintain a healthy weight, and strengthen the muscles around the knee to prevent injury.