
If you experience any symptoms, please consult a doctor (Collapse, Fatigue, Lassitude, Exhaustion, Debility, Weakness, Languor, Listlessness, Lethargy, Debilitation, Enervation, Burnout)

Prostration is a symptom of severe physical and mental exhaustion, characterized by a feeling of extreme weakness and a strong desire to lie down. It is usually accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the limbs and a lack of energy, which can be accompanied by a feeling of nausea or dizziness. Prostration can develop gradually over time due to exhaustion, or it can be brought on suddenly by an emotional or physical shock. It can manifest in different ways, such as a lack of motivation, difficulty concentrating, and difficulty completing tasks.

58 diseases may cause the symptom prostration
Age: any age
Equally Common in Men and Women