Intra-abdominal swelling

(Intra-abdominal bloating, Intra-abdominal distension, Intra-abdominal enlargement, Intra-abdominal fullness, Intra-abdominal inflammation, Intra-abdominal pressure, Intra-abdominal swelling, Abdominal bulge, Abdominal distension, Abdominal enlargement, Abdominal expansion, Abdominal swelling)

Intra-abdominal swelling is an accumulation of fluid or gas in the abdomen and can manifest as a distended abdomen. It can develop suddenly or over time, depending on the cause. Symptoms may include bloating, pain, and discomfort. Possible causes include infection, inflammation, obstruction, or malignant tumors.

5 diseases may cause the symptom intra-abdominal swelling
Age: 1 to 100
Equally Common in Men and Women