Flaccid hemiplegia - what does this mean
Flaccid hemiplegia occurs when there is damage to the motor cortex of the brain, resulting in reduced or absent voluntary muscle activity on one side of the body. this can lead to paralysis of the affected side, as well as reduced sensation and muscle tone.
What happens during the disease - flaccid hemiplegia
Flaccid hemiplegia is caused by damage to the motor pathways in the brain, such as those caused by a stroke or trauma. this damage can disrupt the communication between the brain and the muscles on the affected side of the body, resulting in a loss of muscle tone and decreased voluntary movement on that side. the severity of the symptoms can vary depending on the extent of the damage to the motor pathways.
Flaccid hemiplegia - Prevention
Flaccid hemiplegia can be prevented by avoiding high-risk activities, such as contact sports, and wearing protective gear when participating in activities that may lead to head or neck trauma. additionally, proper vaccination against diseases such as meningitis and polio can help reduce the risk of developing flaccid hemiplegia.