Inflammatory disorders of breast - what does this mean
Inflammatory disorders of the breast are caused by bacterial infections, such as mastitis, or by irritation or injury to the breast tissue. they can cause the breast to become red, swollen, and tender, and can lead to abscess formation. in some cases, the infection can spread to the lymph nodes in the armpit.
What happens during the disease - inflammatory disorders of breast
Inflammatory disorders of the breast are caused by an inflammatory process that affects the tissues of the breast. this can be due to a variety of causes, including infection, trauma, immune system disorders, and hormonal imbalances. in some cases, the cause of the inflammation is unknown. the inflammation can cause swelling, warmth, redness, and tenderness of the breast, as well as pain, itching, and discharge from the nipple. treatment typically includes antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, and lifestyle changes.
Inflammatory disorders of breast - Prevention
The best way to prevent inflammatory disorders of the breast is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding smoking. additionally, regular breast self-exams should be performed to detect any early signs of inflammation, and any suspicious changes should be reported to a healthcare provider for further evaluation.